Monday, August 15, 2011

The Worst Excuse Ever!

“I would work out, but what is the point?  I could get all healthy and then get hit by a bus or struck by lightning and die.  Then I would have wasted a lot of time and effort on nothing.”

As a friend recently said these words to me I tried to brush it off with an uneasy laugh, but something about that attitude kept gnawing at me.  We had been talking about getting in shape and developing an exercise routine.  It was a casual conversation.  I was not trying to convince him to buy into an exercise plan or gym membership.  We were simply talking about the value of personal fitness. 

When his callous attitude toward health was finally revealed, I realized that for many people (including myself in past) there is a pessimistic view of the value of personal fitness.  It boils down to a basic excuse for not working out… “Why get in shape?  We all die anyways.”  In a twisted way it appears to be a logical reason to not put in the effort, but here are three responses to that kind of thinking.

1. Fitness Improves Life.  One of the benefits of being physically fit is not just a greater likelihood of having a prolonged life, but a better one.  I’ve spent a great deal of time with elderly people through a variety of experiences.  It has taught me much about life.  One thing I have learned is that improved physical fitness keeps you feeling young.  For this reason, I have encountered fit people in their 70’s and 80’s that had more stamina than many unfit people have in their 40’s and 50’s.  Fitness improves life.

2. Fitness Plans for A Brighter Future.  It is truly a pessimistic view to believe that you are destined to die early.  When you embrace a higher level of personal wellness through exercise and a healthy diet, you are shooting for a more optimistic view of life.  You are planning for a brighter, longer future to be shared with kids, grand-kids, and possibly even more family generations to come.

3. Fitness Helps You Take Hold of Manageable Elements of Life.  There are all kinds of intangibles that are beyond our control.  Disease, disaster, and tragedy are most often unplanned and unforeseen.  However, there is a lot that we can control in this life.  Our level of activity, diet, and exercise are among those controlled factors.  When you are fit you are taking hold of the manageable elements of life.  When I am lying on my death bed, I don’t want it to be my own poor choices that put me there.  As far as I am able, I’m striving to make the most out of the life God has given me.

No more excuses… especially not silly one’s that sound a whole lot like “but I could get hit by a bus tomorrow.”  Look both ways before you cross the street.  Strive to be fit for a better, longer life.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the article, right on time. Lacey and I started a workout program a week ago and today was the first time I felt like not following through. I have made comments like that. "What if I'm running and a tree limb falls on me." reminds me of Proverbs: "The sluggard says, 'There is a lion outside! I shall be killed in the streets!'"(Proverbs 22:13 ESV)
