Friday, August 5, 2011

Do Something Outrageous!

Let’s face it, even the healthiest of marriages can get in a rut.  Routine, while helpful, can work to slowly disengage you from really expressing your love and appreciation for your spouse.  So here is a suggestion - Do something outrageous.  Plan something that is out of the ordinary.  It may be a spur of the moment trip.  It could be revisiting an old date spot you haven’t been to in years.  It could be dressing up for a candle lit dinner on a Tuesday night in your own home while the neighbors watch the kids.  Do something different.

A few things to consider when you are planning on going out-of-the-box...

1. Be spontaneous, but not uncomfortable.  You know your spouse’s threshold for change.  Do something that will be fun for them, not uncomfortable.

2. Decide to surprise or not surprise.  Your spouse may love surprises or hate them.  If they hate surprises, then you may need to plan your spontaneity.  It may seem a bit odd, but planning the surprise could save you some awkwardness.

3. Choose something the your spouse loves or could love to do. Doing something outrageous is not about you.  It is about who you are married to.  Plan something you really think they will enjoy.

4. Be flexible. If you planned something out and then your spouse has a terrible workday or troubles all day long with the kids, be willing and open to reschedule.  Forcing fun when the mood isn’t right can be frustrating.

5. Express Your Love and Appreciation.  At some point, let your spouse know that you put this together so that you could show them your love and appreciation.  They should know that you did this for them because of you care for them on a level that no one else does.

So what are you waiting for?  Begin brainstorming and plan something outrageous to show your love for your spouse!

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